
The Closet Spiritualist

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SKU: 9781716427732 Category:


Author(s)\Editor(s): Romero, Franco A. – – Uldrich, JackBinding: QUALITY PAPERBACK BOOKSYearMonthDay of Publication: 20201119Standardized Book Category: Channeling \u0026amp; MediumshipLanguage: \n \n EnglishPage Count: \n \n 00250Publisher Marketing: \n \n Many of today’s spiritual teachers rarely share the raw and intimate details that led to their personal enlightenment. An aspect of their humanity that millions could benefit from who are or will soon be \”coming out\” to their own inner Awakening. A bond that says, \”I know what you’re going through because I’ve been there before. And, if you permit me, I would like nothing more than to share how I got through this most challenging time.\” An ability to relate that is so profound that maybe, just maybe, it could inspire even the quietest or most isolated among us to greatness. The Closet Spiritualist chronicles the true life story of Franco Romero, who as an infant, had a near death experience that would leave him clairvoyant. Abilities that would introduce him to a higher Consciousness as a boy and a friendship with an inner Voice that would last a lifetime. But along the way, Franco would face many trials and tribulations as he grappled with his spiritual identity. An identity crises that would lead him on an inner quest for the Truth. An experience that would result in a series of \”Downloads\” regarding his purpose here on earth and humanity’s destiny with its own Awakening!


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