Author(s)\Editor(s): Hannon, Irene – – Binding: QUALITY PAPERBACK BOOKSYearMonthDay of Publication: 20240402Standardized Book Category: Christian – Romance – GeneralLanguage: \n \n EnglishPage Count: \n \n 00352Publisher Marketing: \n \n Vienna Price never intended to return for more than a passing visit to Oregon and all the bad memories she’d left behind. But when your career tanks, home is where you go to nurse your wounds and chart a new course. Only temporarily, of course–because as much as she loves her quirky mom, anything more than a short stay would drive them both crazy. A trip to Oregon isn’t in Matt Quinn’s plans, either, until a perfectly timed appeal for help arrives from his sister. What better place to decompress after a shattering loss than a quiet, seaside town named Hope Harbor? But R\u0026amp;R isn’t on the agenda when he arrives to find his sister’s new enterprise on life support. Vienna, however, may have just the skills needed to resuscitate the foundering B\u0026amp;B–if Matt can convince her to hang around long enough to mend an inn . . . and his heart.
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