Author(s)\Editor(s): Hill, Judith a. – – Binding: QUALITY PAPERBACK BOOKSYearMonthDay of Publication: 20190424Standardized Book Category: Astrology – HoroscopesLanguage: \n \n EnglishPage Count: \n \n 00166Publisher Marketing: \n \n This basic layman’s text allows the medical practitioner, astrologer or layman to quickly understand basic medical astrology. World renowned astrologer and award winning writer Judith Hill introduces a few extremely fruitful methods for immediate use to health professionals, i.e. \”what every physician should know\”. The book opens with a practical \”let’s get started\” approach for locating the seat of chronic and acute dis-ease within the body. The author presents a simple, A-B-C elucidation of ancient Zodiacal Man, and the health impact of the natal planets and lunar nodes.Rare material, exciting to astrologers, is included, e.g. \”Doctor- Patient Relations\
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