
I Bet You Think This Book Is about You: How to Avoid the Pitfalls of P

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Author(s)\Editor(s): Veach, Chad – – Binding: HARD COVER BOOKSYearMonthDay of Publication: 20241015Standardized Book Category: Christian Living – Spiritual WarfareLanguage: \n \n EnglishPage Count: \n \n 00240Publisher Marketing: \n \n The pastor and founder of Zoe Church reveals the Church’s role in the rising levels of narcissism today and the Bible’s countercultural call to humility. Popular author, speaker, and pastor of Zoe Church in Los Angeles, Chad Veach tackles one of the Christian’s greatest foes: an obsession with self. Ego often sneaks up on us in varying forms of narcissism, subtly turning so much of our attention to our needs and desires that we fail to recognize other people’s. A self-proclaimed recovering narcissist, Veach has learned the power of humility. He wants to destigmatize the humility journey by normalizing the need for regular ego checks. A quick reset in attitude in any situation will create a delicate balance between self-denial and self-absorption. Amongst the alarming and increasing levels of narcissism in society and the Christian church today, Veach delivers a passionate call for making a simple but fundamental shift in perspective that cultivates humility.


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