
What Would Keanu Do?: Personal Philosophy and Awe-Inspiring Advice from the Patron Saint of Whoa

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SKU: 9781948174657 Category:


From Speeds What would you do? to Point Breaks If you want the ultimate, youve got to be willing to pay the ultimate price, Keanu Reevess movies are consistently built around philosophical questions that challenge viewers at the same time theyre being entertained.

What Would Keanu Do? examines everyday challenges faced by readers and helps solve those same problems by applying the philosophical lessons espoused by Reeves (or one of his films).

From John Wick and Toy Story 4 to Dangerous Liaisons, The Matrix and everything in between, this humorous yet helpful book provides all of the insight and guidance you’ll ever need.

And remember: As noted in the immortal lyrics of Kansas – and dramatically delivered by one Ted “Theodore” Logan – “All we are is dust in the wind.”

Author Information

Chris Barsanti is a member of the Online Film Critics Society and the author of several books, including Filmology and The Sci-Fi Movie Guide. His writing has appeared in Film Journal International, PopMatters, the Minneapolis Star-Tribune, Film Threat, The Barnes & Noble Review, Publishers Weekly, and the Chicago Tribune. He has never seen Forrest Gump and at this point, most likely never will.


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