
You Wouldnt Dare: A Novel

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SKU: 9781250846785 Category:


When Juniper Nash Abreheart kissed Graham Isham for the first time, she had no idea it would nearly be the end of their friendship.

More specifically, she had no idea that the terrible, unforgivable thing she did to keep their summer fling a secret wouldnt just ruin their friendship, but also Grahams entire life. Now, months since the fallout, Junie and Graham spend most of their time sidestepping conversational landmines on the journey back to normalcy.

Junie is sure the strangeness between her and Graham is her biggest problem – until her mom hires Tallulah, her boyfriends surly teenage daughter, to work at their family caf, and then announces theyll all be moving in together at the end of the summer. The only bright spot ahead is Junies dads upcoming visit, just in time for her community theater production. And then poor turnout soon threatens that.

But when Junie starts to realize the feelings she swore to take care of last summer have lingered, saving her production and managing her hostile relationship with Tallulah might be the least of her problems. Graham isnt just off limits – their friendship has been mended to barely withstand a breeze, and the gale force of Junies feelings could be just what breaks them.

Samantha Markums You Wouldnt Dare is about the risks and triumphs that come with being brave enough to take a chance at what you really want, including love.

Author Information

SAMANTHA MARKUM was born and raised in St. Louis, Missouri with an eight year intermission in Florida, where she mostly just collected sunburns. When shes not writing, she can be found begging her dog for attention, buying too many candles, and ignoring the dust bunnies gathering in her house. When she is writing, you can find her staring at the wall in search of inspiration. She is the author of This May End Badly and You Wouldn’t Dare.


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