
The Weiser Tarot Card Sticker Book: Includes Over 2,500 Stickers (32 C

Original price was: $16.95.Current price is: $13.56.

SKU: 9781578638284 Category:


Author(s)\Editor(s): Waite, Arthur Edward – – Smith, Pamela ColmanBinding: QUALITY PAPERBACK BOOKSYearMonthDay of Publication: 20231016Standardized Book Category: Divination – TarotLanguage: \n \n EnglishPage Count: \n \n 00064Publisher Marketing: \n \n Perfect for tarot journaling with any deck that uses the Waite-Smith system of 22 major arcana cards and 56 minor cards These stickers were created for keeping track of your tarot readings in your personal tarot journal. \n Includes ​32 sets of stickers that include 78 tarot cards — 2,560 stickers in all \n The stickers are \”kiss-cut\” to make it easy to peel them off and use them anytime. \n The stickers measure 1 x .6 inches \n They can be used with any tarot deck that uses the Waite-Smith system–22 major arcana cards and 56 minor cards–which is by far the most popular and is used as the basis for thousands of decks. \n


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