
A Gathering of Shadows

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Author(s)\Editor(s): Schwab, V. E. – – Binding: QUALITY PAPERBACK BOOKSYearMonthDay of Publication: 20230613Standardized Book Category: Fantasy – HistoricalLanguage: \n \n EnglishPage Count: \n \n 00528Publisher Marketing: \n \n The second adventure in #1 New York Times bestselling author V. E. Schwab’s beloved Shades of Magic trilogy–a dazzling world of parallel Londons where the balance of power is ever perilous, and for one city to flourish, another must die… Red London is caught up in the pageantry and thrills of the Essen Tach tournament, and another London is coming back to life…After all, a shadow that was gone in the night reappears in the morning. But magic must always live in balance–and so now, another London will fall. Other books by V. E. Schwab The Invisible Life of Addie LaRue Shades of Magic seriesA Darker Shade of MagicA Gathering of ShadowsA Conjuring of Light Villains DuologyViciousVengeful


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