
Ditchmen 4: Woken by the Hoedag

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Author(s)\Editor(s): Ginter, Joe – – Binding: QUALITY PAPERBACK BOOKSYearMonthDay of Publication: 20240314Standardized Book Category: Humorous – GeneralLanguage: \n \n EnglishPage Count: \n \n 00098Publisher Marketing: \n \n First there was Ditchmen, where teacher, Jay Griner, saves his hometown from an invasion of Ditchmen.This invasion turned out to be the out-of-control research of his supposedly deceased wife, Amy.Then there was Ditchmen 2, where a government-organized task force attempts to steal Amy Griner’s Ditchmen research. Amy foils their plan with the help of her husband, Jay Griner.Next there was Ditchmen 3–one member of the government organized task force attempts to duplicate Amy Griner’s Ditchmen research. Once again, the diabolical plan is foiled, but a mutated form of a Ditchmen is created.Now in Ditchmen 4, Turfie, the mutated Ditchman, must help Jay and Amy foil the twisted plan of another member of the government-organized task force to eliminate a newly discovered cryptid in order to preserve their climate crisis agenda.


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