Author(s)\Editor(s): Editions, Marty McFly – – Binding: QUALITY PAPERBACK BOOKSYearMonthDay of Publication: 20210913Standardized Book Category: Humorous – GeneralLanguage: \n \n EnglishPage Count: \n \n 00084Publisher Marketing: \n \n This book is a replica of the original Grays sports almanac seen in the 1989 movie \”Back to the Future Part II\”. Back to the FutureIt contains indicative results of the main sports games of the future as a curiosity, the gift par excellence for fans of the Time Travel saga.This replica of the sports almanac, you will find the following table of contents: \nWarning: taking advantage of knowledge from the future can be harmful and no time traveler should do so\nAmerican Football\nAmerican soccer team rankings rules\nHow to bet on American soccer\nTop American Football Team Predictions 2022-2050\nSuper Bowl Results 2022-2050\nLeague Champions 2022-2050 \nEuropean Football\nEuropean Football Ranking Rules \nHow to bet on European soccer\nTop European Football Teams Predictions 2022-2050\nBest Player (Ballon d’Or) Results 2022-2050\nTennis\nHow player rankings and major tournaments work\nTop Tennis Players Forecasts 2022-2050\nTennis Master Slam Major Tournament Results 2022-2050\nBasketball\nHow the NBA and Europa League Basketball competitions work\nHow to bet on basketball\nNBA and Europa League Basketball Top Teams Forecasts\nNBA and Europa League\nNBA League Champions 2022-2050 Results\nBaseball\nForecasts of major baseball teams\nHow baseball competitions work\nHow to bet on baseball\nBaseball League Champions Results 2022-2050\nA book of results analysis of the main competitions of the future, inspired by the Back to the Future saga that will be ideal for fans of the series. We analyze the main sports competitions, from the regulations to the predicted results of the finals such as the Super Bowl, Baseball League, NBA and other competitions. *This content is not official although it has great quality, it is a sports almanac created by fans of the Back to the Future saga.
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