
Little Ol’ Red Miracle

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Author(s)\Editor(s): Toma, Tammy – – Binding: QUALITY PAPERBACK BOOKSYearMonthDay of Publication: 20241112Standardized Book Category: Christian – ContemporaryLanguage: \n \n EnglishPage Count: \n \n 00056Publisher Marketing: \n \n Little Ol’ Red Miracle is a gift of courageous faith for the whole family! A tropical Christmas adventure that will warm your heart!- BASED ON A TRUE STORY -On a chilly and starry evening on a tropical island, a family and their four dogs begin preparing for the wondrous Christmas festivities in their little beach town. Little Ol’ Red-their spunky pack leader who is fourteen, has a fun character, and has very good instincts-somehow ends up missing. An incredibly unpredictable journey follows.Twists and turns come together, as divine connections lead people far and wide on a quest orchestrated by a heartwarming, indescribable nudge to endure. There are times when you know you experienced a miracle; this Christmas journey through tropical terrain is certainly one of those the whole family will fall in love with. A story of unshakable hope unfolds in this special gift of courageous faith. Your family will cheer as people join the adventure with a divine connection that is sure to become a Christmas classic! For every disappointment, there was a nudge to never quit and to endure!


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