
Morpho: Anatomy for Artists

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SKU: 9781681983745 Category:


Author(s)\Editor(s): Lauricella, Michel – – Binding: QUALITY PAPERBACK BOOKSYearMonthDay of Publication: 20180703Standardized Book Category: Techniques – DrawingLanguage: \n \n EnglishPage Count: \n \n 00320Publisher Marketing: \n \n The essential, bestselling guide for all artists who draw the human figure!In this book, Michel Lauricella presents both his artistic and systematic methods for drawing the human body–with drawing techniques from the écorché (showing the musculature underneath the skin) to sketches of models in action. In more than 1,000 illustrations, the human body is shown from a new perspective–from bone structure to musculature, from anatomical detail to the body in motion.Geared toward artists of all levels–from beginners through professionals–this handy, pocket-sized book will help spark your imagination and creativity. Whether your interest is in figure drawing, fine arts, fashion design, game design, or creating comic book or manga art, you will find this helpful book filled with actionable insights. Morpho is a rich and fascinating book that can go with you everywhere on your sketching journey.TABLE OF CONTENTSForewordIntroductionHead and NeckTorsoRoots of the ArmUpper LimbsLower LimbsOverviewsBibliography


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