
Oxford Picture Dictionary Third Edition: English/French Dictionary

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SKU: 9780194505338 Category:


Author(s)\Editor(s): Adelson-Goldstein, Jayme – – Shapiro, NormaBinding: QUALITY PAPERBACK BOOKSYearMonthDay of Publication: 20170201Standardized Book Category: DictionariesLanguage: \n \n EnglishPage Count: \n \n 00320Publisher Marketing: \n \n The third edition of the best-selling Oxford Picture Dictionary provides unparalleled support for vocabulary teaching to meet the needs of today’s English language learners. -4,000 English words and phrases with meaningful, real-life contexts presented within 12 thematic units, including Everyday Language, People, Housing, Food, and Recreation -New and updated topics such as job search, career planning, and digital literacy equip students with the language they need for everyday success. -Revised practice activities prepare students for work, academic study, and citizenship from the very beginning. -Pre-reading questions build students’ previewing and predicting skills -High-interest reading promote literacy skills -Post-reading questions support critical thinking and textual analysis. -Workbooks at three levels provide multilevel classroom support.


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