
Remembering Awake: How to Love and Play Creation with Y/our Soul

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Author(s)\Editor(s): Foster, Julie – – Binding: QUALITY PAPERBACK BOOKSYearMonthDay of Publication: 20241101Standardized Book Category: Healing – Prayer \u0026amp; SpiritualLanguage: \n \n EnglishPage Count: \n \n 00254Publisher Marketing: \n \n Remembering Awake will guide you to a safe frequency where you can experience the bliss of a vulnerable heart, with no protective prison walls keeping it from sharing its love and wisdom. This book will help you remember that all the energies of what you see as your reality are fragments of the same cosmic soul discovering a way to tune their unique note into the celestial harmony of creation’s symphony.It is time for our soul to awaken to its true potential and collectively create a more loving reality. This book is a guidebook on how to do that. It will help you understand how important and perfect your soul’s journey through time has been. It will help your mind relax and melt into harmony with all the dimensions of our consciousness. Remembering Awake will help you open the prisons your limbic system has placed you in and dissolve some of the amnesia that keeps you from remembering that only one unconditionally loving soul is here \”playing Earth.\” Through this profound awakening, you will set your mind and soul free to love all it encounters and feel a peace within that you never dreamed existed.Dr. Julie Foster’s mind was trapped in slumber for the first fifty years of her life. In 2020, her hands \”turned on,\” and she began to feel the energetic entanglements in her patients and humanity that are the root cause of our diseases. She learned that the prescriptions she wrote as a medical doctor were just bandages which quieted symptoms. This epiphany opened her mind and gave her the desire to find a way to help her patients cure, rather than conceal, their diseases. Through an open heart, she remembered we all have a God particle that creates our human suit and can be one with all energy in existence. She learned to surrender and let \”God heal God\” by connecting to the God particle in those who came to her for healing.We are the world teacher. Every fragment of our soul has wisdom to share. This book will help you awaken so you can feel blessed by the loving wisdom you have exchanged with others’ souls through choosing to play Earth. Julie ends many blogs with, \”I love you. We got this.\” By the end of the book, you will embody the cosmic vibration of those words and share it in your interactions with other amazing versions of your soul. It is time to discover the joy of remembering who you truly are by \”loving open.\” Julie’s loving stories on how we heal will guide you to this reality.


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