
The Book of Mysteries

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Author(s)\Editor(s): Cahn, Jonathan – – Binding: QUALITY PAPERBACK BOOKSYearMonthDay of Publication: 20180605Standardized Book Category: Christian – Classic \u0026amp; AllegoryLanguage: \n \n EnglishPage Count: \n \n 00384Publisher Marketing: \n \n New York Times Best Seller! 1500 5-Star Reviews! From the author that brought you NEW YORK TIMES best sellers The Harbinger, The Mystery of the Shemitah, and The Paradigm with over 3 MILLION copies sold Enter a life-changing journey… to uncover the MYSTERIES OF GOD, the SECRETS OF THE AGES, and the HIDDEN KEYS to open the doors of a life of joy, blessing, and the fulfillment of YOUR DESTINY. As you open up The Book of Mysteries, you will be transported on a journey through a desert to encounter a man known only as \”the teacher,\” who will take you on an odyssey to mountaintops, caverns, encampments of tent dwellers, and oil-lit chambers of scrolls, ancient books, and mysterious vessels. Each day a new mystery will be revealed, including: The Mystery of the Eighth Day, The Maccabean Blueprint, The Chiasma, The Seven Mysteries of the Age, and much more… even the mystery of your life! Partake in the voyage and unlock the treasure chest to uncover the mysteries of the ages. And with 365 mysteries, one for each day of the journey–and of the year, The Book of Mysteries is also a daily devotional unlike any other–with things never before revealed, the most important keys of spiritual truth, end-time revelation, and the secrets of overcoming… It can even change your life!


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