
The Complete Guide to Modern Calligraphy Hand Lettering for Beginner

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Author(s)\Editor(s): Entertainment, Special Art – – Binding: QUALITY PAPERBACK BOOKSYearMonthDay of Publication: 20210913Standardized Book Category: Techniques – CalligraphyLanguage: \n \n EnglishPage Count: \n \n 00152Publisher Marketing: \n \n Learn the art of Hand Lettering with this comprehensive guide and workbook, full of knowledge, beauty and inspiration!This Special Art book is the most complete guide to learn the processes behind Hand Lettering easily and accurately. Allow yourself to begin this fabulous journey into the art of lettering in the best possible way.With the help of this book, you will learn the basics of creating alphabets in many different styles. By developing them, you will find your unique style, and learn how to transform your own lettering into beautiful works of art. You will have the opportunity to practice writing letters and words and to create and make your own beautiful masterpieces.We can’t wait to see your results and your fantastic achievements!WHY YOU WILL LOVE THIS BOOK: \nTECHNIQUES AND TIPS. Discover the best lettering tools, techniques and tricks.\nTHEORY AND EXPLANATION. Unlike many other books, we decided to include some theory and history on hand lettering so that you can fully understand and appreciate this art.\nALPHABETS AND PRACTICES. Exercise with 5 individual alphabets in various lettering styles, including upper and lower-case letters, that will teach you how to form each letter, turn those letters into words, and turn those words into works of art.\nLARGE FORMAT AND QUALITY PAPER. Pages Dimensions 8.5\” x 11.0\” (21.59 cm x 27,94 cm) and good quality 60lb (90gsm) paper stock.\nLETTERING PROJECTS. The last section of the book is filled with project pages for you to create your own works and to better understand how to structure the process of composition.\nA SPECIAL GIFT FOR YOU. Included in the book, you will find 2 gifts to practise without limits and to stimulate your creativity for create your own projects. We are sure you will be thrilled!ABOUT SPECIAL ART: Special Art is a leading brand in entertainment, activity and colouring books. We have created a wide range of both Adult and Children’s books, several of which are best-sellers. We always strive for the highest possible quality and value to impress and surprise our readers. Our aim is to bring more colours, joy and happiness into your life by inviting you to immerse yourself in the wonderful world of art and colours.\nMore than 50 books published. Special Art boasts a collection of over 50 entertaining and colouring books. Explore the entire Special Art Book Collection to find your next adventure.\nOnline Community. By purchasing this book, you will gain access to our Facebook group, where you’ll be able to share your designs and see the masterpieces that other community members have created.What are you waiting for? Order your copy of this book now and immerse yourself in the art of hand lettering.


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