
Topical Memory System: Life Issues: Hide God’s Word in Your Heart

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Author(s)\Editor(s): The Navigators – – 0Binding: QUALITY PAPERBACK BOOKSYearMonthDay of Publication: 20091001Standardized Book Category: Biblical Reference – HandbooksLanguage: \n \n EnglishPage Count: \n \n 00144Publisher Marketing: \n \n No matter what questions you’re facing today, memorizing Scripture will help you find your way. Developed by The Navigators, Topical Memory System (TMS) is a clear, simple, and proven way to bring God’s Word into your mind and heart–so it’s always with you. As a result, you will experience: \nGuidance for decisions. With God’s Word in your heart, He will guide you in surprising ways.\nTriumph over temptation. Scripture memorization makes the sword of the Spirit readily available for your battle against sin.\nSpiritual strength. Sense God’s presence moment by moment and trust Him more deeply to meet your needs and opportunities that arise each day.\nWhen life leaves you looking for answers, discover the power of the Word to set you free. In the Life Issues edition of TMS respected writers address these vital topics: Knowing God’s Will, Self-Image, Dealing with Sin, Guilt, Perfectionism, Anger, Depression, Sex, Money, Stress, Suffering, LoveThis Kit Includes: Course Workbook, Memory Verse Cards, and Verse Card Holder. 6 Bible translations, each including 72 verses: NIV, NASB, KJV, NKJV, ESV, and NLT.


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