
What the Hell is Wrong with Me? by Dr Gillian Deakin

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\n\n\nAre you living with symptoms that are hard to diagnose? Has your doctor not found any reason for your physical symptoms? Have been told, it’s all in your head or you are faking it? Then you may have what is now being called a functional disorder. \n\n\n
\n\nThe first thing you need to know is that, because the nature of functional disorders is different to usual physical conditions, you need to look for treatment in a different place: DIFFERENT CAUSE – DIFFERENT TYPE OF ILLNESS – DIFFERENT SOLUTION.\n\n
\n\nDr Gillian Deakin has been a physician for more than 40 years and in her time in family practice she has seen many patients with hard to diagnose symptoms. In What the Hell is Wrong with Me? Gillian discusses the seven BODY STRESS SYSTEMS and how they have been disrupted, leading to an array of symptoms including, but certainly not limited to:\n\n
\n\n* Breathing difficulties, shortness of breath\n* Accelerated heart rate \n\n* Feelings of unreality, brain fog, dizziness, full loss of consciousness, light-headedness\n\n\n* Visual problems\n* Tense muscles, cramps, twitches, fleeting pains \n* Gut disturbances, nausea, abdominal distress, or pain. \nAnd these are just a few of the possible symptoms people with functional disorders may experience. \n\n
\n\nONE IN THREE patients seeing their doctor has a functional condition, however, there are no guidelines on how to diagnose, let alone treat these conditions. It is because all your tests are normal, that it is challenging to diagnose you and because your condition is unique to you, it doesnt fit any disease model and therefore no simple treatment can be prescribed. But there is hope. What the Hell is Wrong with Me? will change how you think about your symptoms and how you go about recovering. \n\n
\n\nAs you read through the book, you will come to understand how your condition arose, (and its not your fault!) and what you need to do to recover. Gillians tried and tested SIX STEPS TO RECOVERY method has helped thousands of people like you restore their health and it is her sincere wish that you can again enjoy full health and well-being.\n\n\n\n\n\n


\n\nDr Gillian Deakin has been studying and working in medicine for nearly half a century. She completed her doctorate degree (MD) at Monash University, after wintering as the medical officer on Antarctica. On her return, she undertook a Masters Degree in Public Health at Sydney University, to explore the causes of illness beyond the disease model. After a year running an aid program on the remote Pacific islands of Kiribati, she returned with her family to her medical practice in Bondi, Sydney, where she has worked since 1991 and has the privilege of being part of the lives of families there. While keeping a sound clinical knowledge of orthodox medicine as supervisor of general practice registrars and Examiner at the Royal Australian College of General Practitioners, she broadened her understanding of health through studies in nutrition, acupuncture, yoga, meditation, lifestyle medicine and clinical hypnotherapy. She currently lives in Sydney with her husband and takes an active part in the lives of her grandchildren. She loves gardening and keeps bees.\n\n


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