Author(s)\Editor(s): Coleman, John – – Binding: QUALITY PAPERBACK BOOKSYearMonthDay of Publication: 20160513Standardized Book Category: ConstitutionalLanguage: \n \n EnglishPage Count: \n \n 00332Publisher Marketing: \n \n A book like no other book ever written about the U.S. Constitution and the Bill of Rights. Some of the most priceless constitutional gems are found in these pages. Dr. Coleman has done 26 year of research to find them, putting together a highly-readable book which provides insight into the articles and amendments to the Constitution. It shows their true intent and purpose in sharp relief, and what it is that make this document so great and so lasting. \”What You Should Know About the United States Constitution\” is a telling blow to those enemies of this nation who are seeking to destroy our Republic. \”Knowledge is power\” which the book provides in full measure, enabling every citizen to understand and defend the United States against enemies, external and internal.
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