Meet the Markers! They love to color. But Purple Marker colors everywhereeven outside the lines. When the other markers call his creativity a mistake, its up to Pencil and Eraser to help Purple discover how making mistakes and making art often go hand-in-hand.
This hilarious and clever picture book allows Pencil and Eraser to show Purple Markerand the rest of ushow to turn our messes into successes and keep doing what makes us happy.
In the spirit of Harold and the Purple Crayon and The Day the Crayons Quit, When Pencil Met the Markers brings engaging art, adorable characters, and a clever story to the every day. The result? A funny, effective message about how the best art can come from even the biggest mistake.
Author Information
Karen Kilpatrick is a scriptwriter and an executive producer for animation who has spent several years running the emerging brands division of a global toy company. Karen is also the creator of two childrens brands, Pumpkinheads and MeBears.
Luis Osvaldo Ramos, Jr. is a lawyer during the day who writes and consumes stories in his free time. He is also a scriptwriter, associate producer, and editor for animation.
Germn Blanco is a graphic designer and illustrator who has developed the brand identity for several large companies and has also determined the artistic direction of numerous childrens brands.
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