
White Lies

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There are those moments in life that are provocative in their very existence, that embed in our minds forever, and sometimes our very souls. They change us, mold us, maybe even save us. But some are darker, dangerous. If we allow them to, they control us. Seduce us. Quite possibly even destroy us.

The moment Nick “Tiger” Rogers walked into Sonomas Reid Winter Winery and Vineyard and made eye contact with Faith Winter for the first time was one of those moments. Provocative because he knows at least one of her secrets, of which, he suspects she has many. Provocative because she believes he was a stranger to her when they met, but he’s not. Provocative because he sought her out, with no intention of touching her. But now he has. Now he wants her. Now he has to have her. But that changes nothing. It doesnt change why he came for her. He made her trust him. And then he trusted her. He wanted her. He loved her. But now, the lies will be exposed, the truth revealed. Hearts will be broken. Lives shattered. For Nick and Faith, nothing will ever be the same.

Author Information

New York Times and USA Today bestselling author Lisa Renee Jones is the author of the highly acclaimed Inside Out series, as well as the Tall, Dark and Deadly series and The Secret Life of Amy Bensen series. Prior to publishing, Lisa owned a multi-state staffing agency that was listed as the #7 growing women-owned businesses in Entrepreneur magazine. Lisa can be found online at


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