
White War: Battle Boy 9

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SKU: 9781742624341 Category:


The ninth and tenth titles in this gripping, dramatic and completely engrossing series – designed to engage reluctant readers (high interest, low-level reading), and anyone interested in battles, history, time travel, adventure, great stories, gadgets galore…


Agent’s profile:
Code name: Battle Boy 005 (BB005)
Real name: Napoleon Augustus Smythe
Age: 11 years old
Assignment: Operation Battle Book
Controller: Professor Juanita Perdu
Duty: To operate as a Human Data-Collecting Device (HD-CD)
Survival gear: SimulSkin (high-tech, skin-coloured body armour), Battle Watch and assorted gadgets
Mission directive: To spy on the past

Mission 9: White War
* Book no. 72: Christmas Day, 1914. The Western front, near the town of Ypres, Belgium.
* Mission objective: very unclear. There is something BIG that Professor Perdu is not telling Battle Boy. His mission begins knee-deep in mud, in the middle of No Man’s Land, where he encounters the last person he is expecting to meet.

Author Information

To protect the identity of his military sources, very little can be revealed about Charlie Carter. We can, however, say this: he is a well known operative in the field of children’s books.


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