Her name was Rype. That wasnt really her name. It was what the strangers called her. She didnt remember her real name. She didnt remember anything at all.
Rype was hiding in the hollow of a tree trunk when they found her. She was hungry, small, cold, alone. She did not speak their language, or understand their mannerisms. But she knew this: To survive, she would have to go with them.
In fourteenth-century Norway, the plague has destroyed the entire village of Skeviga. To stay alive, Rype, the only one left, must embark on a sweeping adventure across Europe with the son of an English ship captain and a band of troubadours in search of a brighter future and a new home.
Expertly crafted, beautifully written, and completely unique, Diane Zahler has created a historically rich, stunning story of survival and hope in the face of tragedy.
Author Information
Diane Zahler grew up reading children’s books and never wanted to do anything but write them. She worked in the childrens room of her public library and in a childrens book publishing company, and now shes the author of seven middle-grade novels and two nonfiction books for older readers. She lives in the Hudson Valley with her husband and slightly neurotic dog in what is aptly nicknamed the Bug House.
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