
Wraiths of the Broken Land

Original price was: $22.75.Current price is: $18.20.

SKU: 9781935738367 Category:


Author(s)\Editor(s): Zahler, S. Craig – – Binding: QUALITY PAPERBACK BOOKSYearMonthDay of Publication: 20130515Standardized Book Category: Westerns – GeneralLanguage: \n \n EnglishPage Count: \n \n 00264Publisher Marketing: \n \n From the director of Bone TomahawkA brutal and unflinching tale that takes many of its cues from both cinema and pulp horror, Wraiths of the Broken Land is like no Western you’ve ever seen or read. Desperate to reclaim two kidnapped sisters who were forced into prostitution, the Plugfords storm across the badlands and blast their way through Hell. This gritty, character-driven piece will have you by the throat from the very first page and drag you across sharp rocks for its unrelenting duration. Prepare yourself for a savage Western experience that combines elements of Horror, Noir and Asian ultra-violence. You’ve been warned.\”[C]ompulsively readable…. Fans of Zahler’s A Congregation of Jackals (2010) will be satisfied; think Quentin Tarantino’s Django Unchained. [C]lever mayhem … leads to a riveting climax.\” -Booklist \”[A] classic Western that’s been twisted into the shape of a snarling monster….\” -Gabino Iglesias, Out of the Gutter Online\”It would be utterly insufficient to say that WRAITHS is the most diversified and expertly written western I’ve ever read.\” -Edward Lee, author of The Bighead and Gast


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Wraiths of the Broken Land

Original price was: $34.99.Current price is: $27.99.

SKU: 9781935738350 Category:


Author(s)\Editor(s): Zahler, S. Craig – – 0Binding: HARD COVER BOOKSYearMonthDay of Publication: 20130515Standardized Book Category: Westerns – GeneralLanguage: \n \n EnglishPage Count: \n \n 00264Publisher Marketing: \n \n From the director of Bone TomahawkA brutal and unflinching tale that takes many of its cues from both cinema and pulp horror, Wraiths of the Broken Land is like no Western you’ve ever seen or read. Desperate to reclaim two kidnapped sisters who were forced into prostitution, the Plugfords storm across the badlands and blast their way through Hell. This gritty, character-driven piece will have you by the throat from the very first page and drag you across sharp rocks for its unrelenting duration. Prepare yourself for a savage Western experience that combines elements of Horror, Noir and Asian ultra-violence. You’ve been warned.\”[C]ompulsively readable…. Fans of Zahler’s A Congregation of Jackals (2010) will be satisfied; think Quentin Tarantino’s Django Unchained. [C]lever mayhem … leads to a riveting climax.\” -Booklist \”[A] classic Western that’s been twisted into the shape of a snarling monster….\” -Gabino Iglesias, Out of the Gutter Online\”It would be utterly insufficient to say that WRAITHS is the most diversified and expertly written western I’ve ever read.\” -Edward Lee, author of The Bighead and Gast


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