Ace your exams without losing your mind with this one-stop, inspiring and empowering guide.
Exams can seem overwhelming but they don’t have to be.
In Yes You Can: Ace Your Exams Without Losing Your Mind, mental health campaigner and exam expert Natasha Devon uses her expertise to show you not just how to stay calm in the face of exams, but also how you can absolutely smash them.
* Learn how your brain works – understand the point of stress and sort and tackle your anxieties
* Take a quiz to find out what kind of learner you are and tailor make your own revision schedule
* It’s not all about work. Plan your study breaks with tips on baking, doodling, dancing and relaxation techniques
* Deal with exam days with the help of mindfulness, power poses, recall and planning techniques
Revolutionize the way YOU revise.
Author Information
Natasha Devon MBE is a campaigner who has dedicated her life to researching and educating others on mental health, body image and social equality. For the past decade she has toured schools, universities and events throughout the UK speaking about these issues. She has advised politicians, staged protests both on and offline to effect social change and created the Mental Health Media Charter, to ensure that the landscape of mental health reporting is both responsible and stigma-reducing. Natasha writes regularly for the Guardian and Telegraph and had a column in Cosmopolitan magazine, ‘The Last Word’, for three years. She currently writes a weekly column for the Times Educational Supplement.
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