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Author(s)\Editor(s): Kabbani, Mona – – Binding: QUALITY PAPERBACK BOOKSYearMonthDay of Publication: 20210310Standardized Book Category: PsychologicalLanguage: \n \n EnglishPage Count: \n \n 00392Publisher Marketing: \n \n Who knew innocence could cause so much death? The cure for the sick is in the Devil’s blood. He invests this magic in the children. One child’s life saved in exchange for a sacrifice. And parents are eager to sacrifice. But what happens when the Devil comes across a child he cannot find the will to return? A child he wishes to keep. Vanilla sits in the concrete room-the one she has lived in since she can remember-and smiles when the Devil enters. She reaches her arms out, lets him cradle her against his chest, and calls him Daddy. Daddy fills her mind with nightmares of the Outside. With all its creatures, lurking, waiting to steal her from him. And she dreams of staying with him forever. But forever is infeasible.That is, until the Devil makes his own sacrifice. Vanilla is the dark, psychological novel debut from Mona Kabbani.Slated for publication on March 13th, 2021, the New Moon. About the AuthorMona Kabbani is a horror fan, writer, and reviewer obsessed with psychology and the human condition. She emulates the conflict of the good versus the bad and all of the in between in her work while providing an entertainingly horrifying experience. She is a Lebanese immigrant living the American dream in New York City where much of her writing is inspired. You can follow her on Instagram @moralityinhorror for more and sign up to her mailing list on her website,